Co-operate with Foal
In Latin America, a region in which more than 525 million people reside, it is estimated that 5 million of them have some kind of visual impairment. In developing countries, where there are great inequalities, people with disabilities are clearly disadvantaged. According to United Nations statistics, close to 82% of the people with disabilities in Latin America live below the poverty line and, in many cases, in situations of extreme poverty. At the root of this situation are circumstances such as the lack of access to education for boys and girls with disabilities, who, even in the case that they are in school, often do not receive the specialised attention they need to tackle their educational stage with appropriate levels of quality and on an equal basis with other pupils. In turn, the result of this situation, according to International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimates, is that more than 85 % of the people with disabilities who could work do not have employment.
Thus, we are facing a scenario that does not offer people with a severe visual impairment opportunities to receive a quality education, access to programmes that enable them to develop an independent life, skills training so that they can apply for a job... in short, the chance to play an active role in the society in which they live and which they share.
Because we all deserve an opportunity, collaborate so that more blind people in Latin America may also have one. There are three ways you can help our cause:
You can help us to change lives by providing financial resources for our projects. Help us change lives!